

Quinta Águia de Pedra is portuguese language and translates as follows: “Quinta” = farm and “Águia de Pedra” = golden eagle. The farm got the name because for me the eagle represents freedom with a sharp eye on it. It’s always important to see what’s really going on even it’s in a quite distance. I like eagles very much. Sometimes eagles from the highest mountain of Portugal “Serra da Estrela” coming to visit me.


The project Águia de Pedra was started in 2016 as I recognized that following further on what the governments are telling us will not lead to a better world. As I can not safe the whole world and can not make it a better place everywhere I decided to safe at least a little peace of it and changed my life. I resigned my job and moved with my family to Portugal to a hut. My son still lives with me. From now on I was an “off grider” and dedicating since then the most of my time and energy in sustainable, natural and reasonable projects.

Please find my projects here: Projects


As a person who walks the Buddhist path, I believe and stand for values such as humanity, compassion, honesty and integrity. All this value goes into my place, if I do buildings, in daily life, making food or working in and with the nature. I truly believe that everything becomes simpler with more ease when you see the life as such a little more calmly. I invite you to feel and experience this vibe on my farm.

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